Research Projects and Networks
Our group is/has been a member of the following research networks.
Networks of Excellence
The EU Network of Excellence in Computational Logic.
Our research activity is/has been partially funded by the following
Past Research Projects
AIDA2007 - Abstract Interpretation Design and Applications
Collaborative MIUR Project between the universities of
Padova, Parma, Verona.
GlobalGCC (GGCC) - Global GNU Compiler Collection
Collaborative research project, within the
ITEA program, between:
- Small and Medium sized Enterprises:
Aquiline (Spain), Answare (Spain), Base (Spain), Bertin (France),
IDI Eikon (Spain), Mandriva (France), SQS (Spain);
- Big Corporations:
Telefonica I+D (Spain);
- Research Labs and Universities:
CEA-LIST (France), INRIA-Futurs (France),
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain),
Università di Parma (Italy).
AIDA - Abstract Interpretation: Design and Applications
Collaborative MURST Project between the universities of
Bologna, Padova, Parma, Pisa, Udine, Verona, Venezia.
CoVer: Constraint-Based Verification
of Reactive Systems
Collaborative MURST Project between the universities of
Bologna, Genova, Padova, Parma, Udine, Verona.
COFIN'01: Aggregate- and Number-Reasoning
for Computing: from Decision Algorithms to Constraint Programming
with Multisets, Sets, and Maps
Collaborative MURST Project between the universities of
Catania, L'Aquila and Parma.
Advanced Development Environments
for Logic Programs
Integrated Action Italy-Spain 2001-2002.
COFIN'00: Abstract Interpretation, type systems
and control-flow analysis
Collaborative MURST Project between the universities of
Pisa, Torino, Venezia, Verona.
COFIN'99: Automatic Program Certification
by Abstract Interpretation
Collaborative MURST Project between the universities of
Parma, Pisa, Udine, Venezia, Verona (COFIN'99).
ParForCE: Parallel Formal Computing Environment
/ TIC93-0976-CE.
[Page last updated on January 19, 2013, 08:05:37.]