Home page of Enea Zaffanella[Page last updated on "ottobre 15, 2019, 18:07:09".]
Associate Professor
Congratulations to my former student Anna Becchi!Anna received the Radhia Cousot Young Researcher Best Paper Award for our paper Revisiting Polyhedral Analysis for Hybrid Systems, presented at the 26th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2019) (Porto, Portugal, October 2019).
Welcome to my home page.
New projects are being developed: PPLite, PHAVerLite.From here you can access some information about how to get in touch with me. There are also some other pages and links, but be warned that many of them are no longer maintained. You can have a look to my publications, as well as some research projects I participated in the past. There is also some info about teaching (in Italian). |
enea.zaffanella@unipr.it |
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