[PPL-devel] Out of memory when solving integer problem with only two large vars

Georgi Guninski guninski at guninski.com
Sat Dec 21 13:26:47 CET 2013

I am trying to solve the following problem, not
necessarily with ppl.

Given positive integers $A0,B0,L$ find integers $A,B$

1 <= A
A <= L
1 <= B
B <= L
1 <= A0*A - B0*B
A0*A - B0*B <= L

Encoded it in PPL by modifying an example (also attached):
  Constraint_System cs;
  cs.insert(A  >= 1);
  cs.insert(A  <= Coefficient(L));
  cs.insert(B  >= 1);
  cs.insert(B  <= Coefficient(L));
  cs.insert(Coefficient(A0)*A - Coefficient(B0)*B >= 1);
  cs.insert(Coefficient(A0)*A - Coefficient(B0)*B <= Coefficient(L) );

  // All integer variables.
  Variables_Set ivs(A, B);

  // Cost function.
  Linear_Expression cost(Coefficient("10"));

  MIP_Problem mip(cs.space_dimension(), cs.begin(), cs.end(), ivs, cost,

  if (mip.solve() != OPTIMIZED_MIP_PROBLEM) {

(reads 3 ints from stdin)

This works for small input, but for:


PPL consumes 6GB RAM very fast and I run out of memory.

Am I doing something wrong?

Other ways to solve the problem?

Attached is the source, function "test10".

Thank you.

ppl-1.1 on x86_64 linux.


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