[PPL-devel] ppl-1.1pre3 make check failed

simpleisbest411 at yahoo.co.jp simpleisbest411 at yahoo.co.jp
Tue Nov 13 13:48:17 CET 2012

Dear Roberto,

>I believe your observation shows a bug in Cygwin whereby a bogus version of std::floor(long double) is provided. 
>#include <cmath>
>#include <cstdlib>
>long double x = 13311002825915415087.0L;
>int main() {
>   long double y = std::floor(x);
>   if (x != y)
>     return 1;
>   else
>     return 0;
>The program will return 1 if the version of Cygwin you are using
>is affected (the one I am using is affected).
Oh, this bug, I learned for the first time.

>We have just uploaded a new snapshot of PPL 1.1 (to be released soon)
>that works around this problem.  Can you please test it?
>You can find the snapshot at
>   http://bugseng.com/products/ppl/download/ftp/snapshots/
>Please let us know how it goes.
Thank you. I tried, but the following error was displayed.

make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/ppl-1.1pre5/tests/Polyhedron'
make  check-TESTS
make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/ppl-1.1pre5/tests/Polyhedron'
PASS: addcongruence1.exe
PASS: addcongruences1.exe
PASS: addconstraint1.exe
PASS: addconstraints1.exe
PASS: addconstraints2.exe
PASS: addgenerator1.exe
PASS: addgenerator2.exe
PASS: addgenerators1.exe
PASS: addgenerators2.exe
PASS: addspacedims1.exe
PASS: addspacedims2.exe
PASS: affineimage1.exe
PASS: affineimage2.exe
PASS: affinepreimage1.exe
PASS: affinetrans.exe
PASS: append1.exe
PASS: append2.exe
PASS: ascii_dump_load1.exe
PASS: ascii_dump_load2.exe
PASS: ascii_dump_load3.exe
PASS: bgp99extrapolation1.exe
PASS: bgp99extrapolation2.exe
PASS: bhrz03widening1.exe
PASS: bhrz03widening2.exe
PASS: bhrz03widening3.exe
PASS: bhz03widening1.exe
PASS: bounded1.exe
PASS: boundedaffineimage1.exe
PASS: boundedaffinepreimage1.exe
PASS: boundedbhrz03extrapolation1.exe
PASS: boundedh79extrapolation1.exe
PASS: bounds1.exe
PASS: cnncconversion1.exe
PASS: concatenate1.exe
PASS: congruences1.exe
PASS: constrains1.exe
PASS: constraints1.exe
PASS: contains1.exe
PASS: contains2.exe
PASS: containsintegerpoint1.exe
PASS: disjoint1.exe
PASS: disjoint2.exe
PASS: dropsomenonintegerpoints1.exe
PASS: dropsomenonintegerpoints2.exe
PASS: dualhypercubes.exe
PASS: empty1.exe
PASS: equals1.exe
PASS: exceptions1.exe
PASS: exceptions2.exe
PASS: exceptions3.exe
PASS: expandspacedim1.exe
PASS: expandspacedim2.exe
PASS: foldspacedims1.exe
PASS: foldspacedims2.exe
PASS: frequency1.exe
PASS: frombdshape1.exe
PASS: frombox1.exe
PASS: frombox2.exe
PASS: fromgrid1.exe
PASS: fromoctagonalshape1.exe
PASS: generalizedaffineimage1.exe
PASS: generalizedaffineimage2.exe
PASS: generalizedaffinepreimage1.exe
PASS: generalizedaffinepreimage2.exe
PASS: generators1.exe
PASS: geomcovers1.exe
PASS: h79widening1.exe
PASS: h79widening2.exe
PASS: hybrid.exe
PASS: intersection1.exe
PASS: limitedbhrz03extrapolation1.exe
PASS: limitedh79extrapolation1.exe
PASS: linearexpression1.exe
PASS: linearpartition1.exe
PASS: linearsystem1.exe
PASS: mapspacedims1.exe
PASS: matrix1.exe
PASS: max_min1.exe
PASS: maxspacedim1.exe
PASS: mc91.exe
PASS: membytes1.exe
/bin/sh: line 5:  8056 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) ${dir}$tst
FAIL: memory2.exe
PASS: minconstraints1.exe
PASS: minconstraints2.exe
PASS: mingenerators1.exe
PASS: mingenerators2.exe
PASS: nncminimize1.exe
PASS: nncminimize2.exe
PASS: numberinput1.exe
PASS: onepoint.exe
PASS: permute.exe
PASS: polydifference1.exe
PASS: polydifference2.exe
PASS: polyhull1.exe
PASS: polyhull2.exe
PASS: polyhullifexact1.exe
PASS: polyhullifexact2.exe
PASS: randphull1.exe
PASS: refinewithcongruence1.exe
PASS: refinewithcongruences1.exe
PASS: refinewithconstraint1.exe
PASS: refinewithconstraints1.exe
PASS: relations1.exe
PASS: relations2.exe
PASS: relations3.exe
PASS: removespacedims1.exe
PASS: removespacedims2.exe
PASS: simplifyusingcontext1.exe
PASS: smm1.exe
PASS: sparserow1.exe
PASS: termination1.exe
PASS: termination2.exe
PASS: timeelapse1.exe
PASS: timeelapse2.exe
PASS: topclosed1.exe
PASS: topclosure1.exe
PASS: unconstrain1.exe
PASS: universe1.exe
PASS: universe2.exe
PASS: variablesset1.exe
PASS: watchdog1.exe
PASS: weightwatch1.exe
PASS: wrap1.exe
PASS: wrap2.exe
PASS: writeconsys1.exe
PASS: writegensys1.exe
PASS: writepolyhedron1.exe
PASS: writepolyhedron2.exe
PASS: writerelation1.exe
PASS: writevariable1.exe
PASS: nnc_addcongruence1.exe
PASS: nnc_addcongruences1.exe
PASS: nnc_addconstraint1.exe
PASS: nnc_addconstraints1.exe
PASS: nnc_addgenerator1.exe
PASS: nnc_addgenerators1.exe
PASS: nnc_addspacedims1.exe
PASS: nnc_affineimage1.exe
PASS: nnc_affinepreimage1.exe
PASS: nnc_affinetrans.exe
PASS: nnc_append1.exe
PASS: nnc_append2.exe
PASS: nnc_ascii_dump_load1.exe
PASS: nnc_ascii_dump_load2.exe
PASS: nnc_bgp99extrapolation1.exe
PASS: nnc_bhrz03widening1.exe
PASS: nnc_bhrz03widening2.exe
PASS: nnc_bounded1.exe
PASS: nnc_boundedaffineimage1.exe
PASS: nnc_boundedaffinepreimage1.exe
PASS: nnc_boundedbhrz03extrapolation1.exe
PASS: nnc_boundedh79extrapolation1.exe
PASS: nnc_bounds1.exe
PASS: nnc_concatenate1.exe
PASS: nnc_congruences1.exe
PASS: nnc_constrains1.exe
PASS: nnc_constraints1.exe
PASS: nnc_contains1.exe
PASS: nnc_containsintegerpoint1.exe
PASS: nnc_disjoint1.exe
PASS: nnc_dropsomenonintegerpoints1.exe
PASS: nnc_empty1.exe
PASS: nnc_equals1.exe
PASS: nnc_exceptions1.exe
PASS: nnc_exceptions3.exe
PASS: nnc_expandspacedim1.exe
PASS: nnc_foldspacedims1.exe
PASS: nnc_frombdshape1.exe
PASS: nnc_frombox1.exe
PASS: nnc_fromgrid1.exe
PASS: nnc_fromoctagonalshape1.exe
PASS: nnc_generalizedaffineimage1.exe
PASS: nnc_generalizedaffinepreimage1.exe
PASS: nnc_generators1.exe
PASS: nnc_geomcovers1.exe
PASS: nnc_h79widening1.exe
PASS: nnc_intersection1.exe
PASS: nnc_simplifyusingcontext1.exe
PASS: nnc_limitedbhrz03extrapolation1.exe
PASS: nnc_limitedh79extrapolation1.exe
PASS: nnc_linearpartition1.exe
PASS: nnc_mapspacedims1.exe
PASS: nnc_max_min1.exe
PASS: nnc_mc91.exe
PASS: nnc_membytes1.exe
PASS: nnc_minconstraints1.exe
PASS: nnc_mingenerators1.exe
PASS: nnc_onepoint.exe
PASS: nnc_permute.exe
PASS: nnc_polydifference1.exe
PASS: nnc_polyhull1.exe
PASS: nnc_polyhullifexact1.exe
PASS: nnc_randphull1.exe
PASS: nnc_relations1.exe
PASS: nnc_relations2.exe
PASS: nnc_removespacedims1.exe
PASS: nnc_smm1.exe
PASS: nnc_timeelapse1.exe
PASS: nnc_unconstrain1.exe
PASS: nnc_universe1.exe
PASS: nnc_wrap1.exe
PASS: nnc_wrap2.exe
PASS: nnc_writepolyhedron1.exe
1 of 203 tests failed
Please report to ppl-devel at cs.unipr.it

ppl 1.1pre5 with configure --with-gmp=/usr/local --enable-static --disable-shared; make -j8
gmp 5.0.5 with configure --enable-cxx --enable-static --disable-shared --prefix=/usr/local; make CPPFLAGS=-fexceptions -j8
g++ 4.5.3
win7 proffesional SP1 64bit japanese
cygwin 1.7.17-1
intel core i7 2600
4GBytes memory


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