[PPL-devel] ppl configure broken

Dennis Clarke dclarke at blastwave.org
Mon Mar 28 16:09:03 CEST 2011

> On 03/28/11 06:22, Dennis Clarke wrote:
>> Until it is fixed in a release I can not use ppl in good faith.
>>   I'll drop it from our new software stack.
> Dennis,
> now please explain to me how this is the right tone to use on this
> mailing list.  Especially given the fact that (as per your numerous
> requests) you were given a snapshot of PPL 0.11.2 to test with
> on February 4, 2011 (23 days before the release), and you did not
> provide any feedback.  And today 3 messages in 1 hour using adjectives
> like "broken" and sentences like the ones above.
> Please show more respect for the PPL developers (and for yourself).
> Thanks,
>     Roberto

And Roberto I have tried numerous times to work with you to resolve
issues. Have some respect for people that pour out hours and years and
endless streams of money into open source projects and release software to
a world of users.

In fact .. I don't sign my emails with degrees and titles and endless
baloney that means nothing .. I am just not as proud and superior as you I

In fact .. do whatever you want .. you have never been of much use to me.

conduct yourself as you please ..


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