[PPL-devel] [Fink-devel] ppl-0.10.2 check thorough test fail

Enea Zaffanella zaffanella at cs.unipr.it
Fri Apr 1 21:39:10 CEST 2011

Il 01/04/2011 19:46, David Fang ha scritto:
> Hi,


>>> Different indeed!  Does this indicate an earlier parse error?
>>> Fang
>> Well ... ppl_lpsol uses glpk to parse the input file.
>> Apparently, the installed glpk is parsing the input file differently.
>> Which version of glpk do you have?
>> If I am to guess, I would say that the installed glpk is flagging the
>> two variables as being *binary* variables, rather than *integer* ones.
>> But this is just a guess, I will have to check the documentation for the
>> input file format as well as the changelog for glpk.
> I have glpk-4.44:

So, my guess was correct and it turns out that Roberto had already asked
about the problem on a glpk mailing list:


Here is the answer


saying that glpk 4.29 changed its mps file reading routines.
I suspect there is a typo in the answer and maybe 4.39 or above was
meant (because I have 4.38 installed and my variables are not detected
as binary).

So, the good news is that the ppl is not miscompiled on your system.
The bad news is that the output of ppl_lpsol now depends on glpk version.


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