[PPL-devel] Ocaml docs being built even though interface is not enabled

Enea Zaffanella zaffanella at cs.unipr.it
Tue Oct 28 09:00:12 CET 2008

Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> Hi!
>>> Not exact, but sufficiently close I think:
>>> make distclean
>>> ./configure
>>> make
>>> make -C doc user-configured
>>> make install
>>> From what you're telling I believe the problem to be in the make distclean step.
>>> I guess it deletes any pre-built docs as well. Well, not a guess only, just
>>> confirmed in my build here.
>>> So, what should we conclude with? There's two options here IMHO:
>>> - Have make distclean not delete any pre-built documentation. Consequently, make
>>>   dist should then actually build the documents to ensure that make dist always
>>>   ends up with the same tar ball.
>>> - In our debian package, we could first move the pre-built docs to a safe
>>>   location, and put them in place after make distclean.
>>> What would you consider the preferred way?
>>> Best,
>>> Michael
>> I was able to reproduce the problem
>> and today I will try to implement the solution.
>> Actually, we have two problems: one is the one you are mentioning,  
>> another one is basically related to what is said in Section 27.5 of the  
>> automake manual (Files left in build directory after distclean). We have  
>> a couple of these bad dependencies of a distributed built file from a  
>> non-distributed built file.
> Is this issue fixed in the pre36 upload? If so, how did you fix it, or rather:
> Which steps should I take in the Debian package?
> Thanks,
> Michael

Hi Michael.

The problem you were reporting should be fixed
(I have tried you sequence of commands and it completed finely).

I am not really sure that we have implemented what is meant to be "The 
Right Thing". The Automake manual proposes two alternative solutions, 
each one having its pros and cons: in the future, when we better 
understand the tradeoffs, we might decide to change the currently 
adopted solution with the other one.

As for you packaging process ....
I don't know whether or not you are doing a VPATH build:
if in doubt, I suggest you always opt for a VPATH build.


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