[PPL-devel] PPL info - bug report?

Roberto Bagnara bagnara at cs.unipr.it
Wed Nov 24 15:09:39 CET 2004

Jacopo Mantovani wrote:
> According to the config.log file, now 
> the problem is the following:
> - Sicstus is now detected.
> - A header file called sicstus.h is NOT detected.
> I checked, and that header is located at
> /usr/local/software/sicstus/include/sicstus/
> which is already in the PATH.

If by `PATH' you mean the environment variable with the same name,
this would not help, as this is for executables only.
You must make sure your `sicstus.h' is found by the C and C++
compilers you are using (notice that the SICStus interface
is written partly in C and partly in C++).

You have several ways out.  The most convenient ones are the

1) You can decide that including <sicstus/sicstus.h> from C/C++
    programs is something generally useful in your site, in which
    case you should create a symbolic link to
    `/usr/local/software/sicstus/include/sicstus' in a place that
    is normally searched by your compilers, such as

2) Alternatively, you can use the `CPPFLAGS' environment variable
    as explained in the output of PPL's `configure --help'.
    So you would configure with a command like

    CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/software/sicstus/include /usr/local/src/ppl-0.6.1/configure ...

When this is fixed, please run `make check' again and pay
speciall attention to what happens in the `interface/Prolog/SICStus'


Prof. Roberto Bagnara
Computer Science Group
Department of Mathematics, University of Parma, Italy
mailto:bagnara at cs.unipr.it

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