[PPL-devel] easy way to extract rays from a polyhedron

John Perry john.perry at usm.edu
Sat Jan 14 17:18:01 CET 2017


I'd like to extract the rays of a polyhedron. As far as I can tell from the documentation, the only way to do this is to extract the generators, then loop over them, testing which is a ray:

    Generator_System G = P.generators();
    for (Generator g : G)
        if (g.is_ray()) {
            /* party time */

Is there a more direct way to do this, something like G.rays() or even P.rays()?

thank you
john perry

John Perry + john.perry at usm.edu
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics
University of Southern Mississippi, Box 5045
Hattiesburg MS 39406

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