[PPL-devel] Cloning PPL by http

Adrien Champion Adrien.Champion at onera.fr
Wed Jan 29 11:32:23 CET 2014


I have been using PPL for quite a while now and it's great, thanks for 
your hard work :)
I'm having a problem currently. I want to install PPL on a computer 
that's behind a proxy, but the command
> git clone http://www.cs.unipr.it/git/ppl/ppl.git
that you provide on the website does not work.
> Uchuu: git clone http://www.cs.unipr.it/git/ppl/ppl.git
> Cloning into 'ppl'...
> fatal: repository 'http://bugseng.com/products/ppl/ppl.git/' not found
I tried with https instead, but then it asks me for a username and a 

So is there anyway I can clone the repo via http?

Best regards,

Adrien Champion, PhD
adrien.champion at onera.fr
adrien.champion at null.net

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