[PPL-devel] Z-polytopes in PPL

Michael Classen michael.classen at uni-passau.de
Thu Jun 18 14:53:47 CEST 2009


this might be a trivial question for some, but I just seem to have
problems with it:

I want to adapt our internal LooPo interface to use PPL Grids instead
of Z-Polytopes. Now, Z-Polytopes were typically defined by a domain
(or inequality system) and an affine function, which is applied to
that domain (also alled Lattice).

Now, in PPL, as far as I can see, you can only create Grids out of
inequality systems, congruence systems or Grid generators. Is there an
easy way (function, constructor) to generate a Grid from an inequality
system + affine function, like in the old Polylib?

thank you in advance!


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