[PPL-devel] PPL 0.10 testsuite failures on powerpc-linux

Janis Johnson janis187 at us.ibm.com
Mon Jan 26 19:56:30 CET 2009

I'm trying to build the Parma Polyhedra Library on powerpc-linux so I
can use it for Graphite support in GCC.  I've tried a lot of things
and my builds normally succeed but I get lots of testsuite failures:

  in Box, 60 tests with -DBOX_INSTANCES=db_r_oc
  in Octagonal_Shape, 58 tests with -DOCTAGONAL_SHAPE_INSTANCE=double
  in BD_Shape, 59 tests with -DBD_SHAPE_INSTANCE=double

Most of the failures in the double tests are due to infinite values
for the second argument to less-than functions, which end up at
__gmp_binary_less::eval which calls __gmp_binary_less::eval which
invokes DOUBLE_NAN_INF_ACTION which calls __gmp_invalid_operation for
the infinity.  It looks as if the infinity should be detected and
handled earlier by functions in ppl-0.10/src/check-ext.inlines.hh.

I'll attach a build script for one of the various builds I've done
that get these errors.  In this case I start with GCC 4.3.2, build
GMP 4.2.4 as only static libraries, and then build PPL as only static
libraries.  I get the same testsuite failures when starting with
GCC mainline and building GMP and PPL as shared libaries, but run into
other problems with earlier versions of GCC or the default libgmp on
my test system.

Am I doing something obviously wrong?   If not, can you offer any
suggestions on how to find out what's going wrong, short of learning
to understand the PPL and GMP sources?

I tried using GMP 4.1.4, which doesn't use DOUBLE_NAN_INF_ACTION, but
ran into various PPL configure problems.  One is that some configure
checks end up using /usr/include/gmpxx.h instead of the one specified
for --with-libgmp, and another is that the options to link libgmpxx
end up including libgcc_s.so and libm.so even though I'm trying to
build and use only static libraries.  If there are known issues with
those configure issues I'd like to know about them as well.

Janis Johnson
IBM Linux Technology Center

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