[PPL-devel] C interface

Roberto Bagnara bagnara at cs.unipr.it
Fri Feb 10 08:26:27 CET 2006

Lambert Simon wrote:
> I use the C interface of the Parma Polyhedra Library but I have some
> problems to build a linear expression. I want to build the linear expression
> "x_1 + 5x_3 - 100 >= 0" for example but I do not arrive.

Dear Simon,

I guess you meant `I want to build the linear expression
"x_1 + 5x_3 - 100"'.

> I do "ppl_new_Linear_Expression _with_dimension(&ple, (ppl_dimension_type)
> 4);" and after I want to add the values to the variables by using the
> "ppl_Linear_Expression_add_to_coefficient(ple, coefficient_index[i],
> ppl_coeff);" function but that doesn't go.
> I don't understand how we can build a linear expression just using this 2
> functions.

Why 2?  You are overlooking several functions that allow building linear
expressions: you will find them all in the user's manual (pages 34 and 35
of ppl-user-0.8.pdf).

> Can you help me by giving me the code to build this linear expression with
> the C interface and to explain it ?

I attach under the signature some example code doing what you want.
Use it as follows:

$ gcc sample.c -lppl_c -lppl -lgmpxx -lgmp
$ ./a.out
x_1 + 5*x_3 - 100

If, after reading the manual, you need further advice or explanations,
please come back to us.
All the best,


Prof. Roberto Bagnara
Computer Science Group
Department of Mathematics, University of Parma, Italy
mailto:bagnara at cs.unipr.it

#include <ppl_c.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static mpz_t tmp_z;

static void
init_globals() {

static void
deinit_globals() {

static int
assign_Coefficient_from_int(ppl_Coefficient_t dst, int src) {
   mpz_set_si(tmp_z, src);
   return ppl_assign_Coefficient_from_mpz_t(dst, tmp_z);

static const char*
my_variable_output_function(ppl_dimension_type d) {
   static char buffer[20];
   int r = sprintf(buffer, "x_%d", d+1);
   if (r < 0)
     return 0;
   else if (r >= 19) {
     errno = ERANGE;
     return 0;
   return buffer;

main() {
   int x_1 = 0;
   /* int x_2 = 1; */
   int x_3 = 2;
   /* int x_4 = 3; */
   ppl_Coefficient_t coeff;
   ppl_Linear_Expression_t le;

   ppl_new_Linear_Expression_with_dimension(&le, 4);

   /* le += 1*x_1 */
   assign_Coefficient_from_int(coeff, 1);
   ppl_Linear_Expression_add_to_coefficient(le, x_1, coeff);
   /* le += 5*x_3 */
   assign_Coefficient_from_int(coeff, 5);
   ppl_Linear_Expression_add_to_coefficient(le, x_3, coeff);
   /* le += -100 */
   assign_Coefficient_from_int(coeff, -100);
   ppl_Linear_Expression_add_to_inhomogeneous(le, coeff);

   if (ppl_io_set_variable_output_function(my_variable_output_function) < 0) {
     fprintf(stderr, "cannot install the custom variable output function\n");


   return 0;

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