[PPL-devel] ppl/src simplex.cc

Enea Zaffanella zaffanella at cs.unipr.it
Fri Sep 30 21:07:51 CEST 2005

CVSROOT:	/cvs/ppl
Module name:	ppl
Changes by:	zaffanella at cs.unipr.it	2005-09-30 21:07:50

Modified files:
	src            : simplex.cc 

Log message:
	No longer using (and thus eliminated) functions insert_row_in_matrix(),
	add_element_to_row(), copy_column().
	Function check_optimality() renamed as get_entering_index(), its signature
	restructured and its implementation made a little bit more efficient.
	Function choose_out_var() renamed as get_exiting_index(), its signature
	restructured and its implementation heavily changed to (hopefully) made
	it more efficient.
	Function compute_simplex() changed accordingly.
	Function compute_tableau() further simplified by removing a lot of (not
	really necessary) bookkeeping. Local variables renamed for improved


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