Coefficient sizes [was: Re: [PPL-devel] Tinderbox status]

Abramo Bagnara abramobagnara at
Thu Sep 22 12:28:49 CEST 2005

Roberto Bagnara ha scritto:

> I don't think this is the right way to do it.  Why do you need to modify
>  We should have the specializations of std::numeric_limits
> also for checked numbers (I am sure I raised this point with Abramo
> in the past).  If we don't have them, we should add them.
> Abramo?  Are they done?  If not, do you prefer to add them or to give
> some pointers to Matthew about how/where to add them?

As far as I remember (and I've supported my memory reading
checked_numeric_limits.hh) it's already implemented.

The funny part is that I'm almost sure Roberto added it (with a little
help from myself).

We definitely must remove some work from your shoulder, "all work and no
play makes Jack..." :-D

That apart the use of rand(3) to generate random coefficients is suboptimal.
The range is limited from 0 to RAND_MAX (2147483647 on ia32).

Abramo Bagnara                       mailto:abramobagnara at

Opera Unica                          Phone: +39.0546.656023
Via Emilia Interna, 140
48014 Castel Bolognese (RA) - Italy

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