[PPL-devel] ppl/src Polyhedron_public.cc

Enea Zaffanella zaffanella at cs.unipr.it
Sat Oct 8 13:57:53 CEST 2005

CVSROOT:	/cvs/ppl
Module name:	ppl
Changes by:	zaffanella at cs.unipr.it	2005-10-08 13:57:52

Modified files:
	src            : Polyhedron_public.cc 

Log message:
	Use Constraint::inhomogeneous_term() instead of c[0] when appropriate.
	Moved a useful comment outside assertion-like code, because the comment
	is relevant even when assertions are disabled.
	When invoking scalar_product_sign(), the first argument should be the
	constraint and the second the generator (not the other way round).
	Several occurrences of
	if (var_space_dim <= expr_space_dim && expr[var_space_dim] != 0) {
	replaced by the shorter (and as efficient as)
	if (expr.coefficient(var) != 0) {
	One use of Coefficient_traits::const_reference inside a function body
	definition replaced by const Cefficient&.


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