[PPL-devel] ppl/src Grid_public.cc Grid_nonpublic.cc Grid. ...

Matthew Mundell mundell at cs.unipr.it
Tue Nov 15 12:33:54 CET 2005

CVSROOT:	/cvs/ppl
Module name:	ppl
Branch: 	grids
Changes by:	mundell at cs.unipr.it	2005-11-15 12:33:54

Modified files:
	src            : Grid_public.cc Grid_nonpublic.cc 

Log message:
	Always set zero dim universe via set_zero_dim_univ().  Insert a point
	in set_zero_dim_univ().  Create a correctly sized gen_sys in
	In the bounding box grid constructor move the generator system flag
	setting into the space_dim > 0 case.  In the covering box grid
	constructor jump over the sorted flag clearing when an empty grid is
	In construct(gs,) set space_dim before the empty test and set zero dim
	universe when required.  In Grid(n,kind) set zero dim universe when
	required.  Handle the zero dimension case in minimized_congruences().
	In generators() just return gen_sys when the grid is marked empty,
	return the actual gen_sys for zero dim universe, ensure that gen_sys
	is up to date, and convert any parameters to points.
	In the zero dim cases of add_recycled_congruences_and_minimize and
	add_recycled_congruences set empty or zero dim universe only if


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