[PPL-devel] ppl/src Grid_nonpublic.cc Grid.inlines.hh

Matthew Mundell mundell at cs.unipr.it
Mon Nov 14 16:29:25 CET 2005

CVSROOT:	/cvs/ppl
Module name:	ppl
Branch: 	grids
Changes by:	mundell at cs.unipr.it	2005-11-14 16:29:24

Modified files:
	src            : Grid_nonpublic.cc Grid.inlines.hh 

Log message:
	In set_empty make con_sys false.
	Add a zero dimension universe case to max_min.
	Take out an old topology comment.
	In construct(ccgs) insert the integrality congruence when the
	dimension is greater than zero, and only check for false congruences
	in dimension zero when there are two or more columns in the given
	congruence system.
	In the box constructors and construct(const_gs,bool) call set_empty
	instead of setting the empty flag directly.
	In get_covering_box add a zero dimension check and set the box empty
	when the grid is empty.  In shrink_bounding_box add a zero dimension
	check and take out a redundant check for rows in the generator system.


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