[PPL-devel] A comparison with CDD and LSR

Roberto Bagnara bagnara at cs.unipr.it
Mon Jul 12 10:23:04 CEST 2004

Hi there,

I have added a column to the previous table I sent, where I compare
the PPL both with CDD and the version 0.42 (the latest available one)
of LSR (http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~avis/C/lrs.html) on the same benchmark
suite (the one of CDD).

Notice the "(*)" signs. These are meant to recall that LRS solves
a different, easier, problem than the one solved by CDD and PPL:
vertex enumeration _without_ minimization (at least this is what
I understand is the meaning of the sentence inserted by LRS in
the output: "Note! Duplicate rays may be present").  A similar
sentence is not present in the benchmarks involving the facet
enumeration problem, so I guess minimization is guaranteed
in these cases.

The test environment is exactly as before.

I must say I am pretty satisfied about the stability of the PPL
on this set of benchmarks.

Benchmark               CDD time (s)    PPL time (s)    LRS time (s)
ccc6.ext                0.80            0.07            3.20
ccp6.ext                1.12            0.11            3.99
cross10.ine             11.89           0.17            >2h     (*)
cross12.ine             213.41          2.46            >2h     (*)
cross6.ine              0.05            0.01            0.09    (*)
cross8.ine              0.70            0.04            33.70   (*)
cube10.ine              0.33            0.09            0.03    (*)
cube12.ine              1.74            1.64            0.20    (*)
cube8.ine               0.06            0.02            0.01    (*)
cyclic14-8.ext          0.09            0.02            0.01
cyclic16-10.ext         0.29            0.07            0.04
hexocta.ine             0.04            0.01            0.01    (*)
icododeca_m.ine         0.05            0.03            0.01    (*)
integralpoints.ine      0.06            0.01            0.01    (*)
irbox200-4.ext          1.24            0.05            0.06
kkd27_5.ine             0.10            0.09            0.02    (*)
kkd38_6.ine             0.37            4.30            0.04    (*)
prodst62.ext            >2h             117.23          >2h
project1.ine            0.05            0.01            0.01    (*)
project2.ine            0.57            0.03            0.15    (*)
project2res.ine         0.11            0.02            0.02    (*)
reg600-5_m.ext          159.26          8.02            33.78
rhomtria_m.ine          0.06            0.02            0.01    (*)
sampleh8.ine            >2h             111.57          5.13    (*)



Prof. Roberto Bagnara
Computer Science Group
Department of Mathematics, University of Parma, Italy
mailto:bagnara at cs.unipr.it

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