[PPL-devel] PPlibrary

Roberto Bagnara bagnara at cs.unipr.it
Thu Jul 1 17:24:30 CEST 2004

Enrico Oliosi wrote:
> Salve,
> sono Enrico, uno studente universitario che sta preparando la tesi. Come 
> parte della mia tesi ho il compito di implementare un piccolo 
> analizzatore che
> utilizza le vostre librerie dei poliedri (Ppl).
> Ho scaricato da http://www.cs.unipr.it/ppl/ alcune delle releases 
> on-line ed ho provato ad installarle, ma senza successo.
> Ho provato ad installarle su una Fedora Core release 2 (Tettnang) con:
> - kernel 2.6.6-1.435smp
> - gcc version 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7)
> Ho provato a far girare alcuni test, es:
> bash> g++ addconstraint1.cc
> dopo aver esteso la $LD_LIBRARY_PATH (dove ci sono le librerie), ma
> mi da diversi errori del tipo
> /tmp/cc1lgmDy.o(.text+0x16): In function `main':
> : undefined reference to `set_handlers()'
> /tmp/cc1lgmDy.o(.text+0xb6): In function `main':
> : undefined reference to 
> `Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Polyhedron::add_constraint(Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Constraint 
> const&)'
> /tmp/cc1lgmDy.o(.text+0x208): In function `main':
> : undefined reference to 
> `Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Polyhedron::add_constraint(Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Constraint 
> const&)'
> /tmp/cc1lgmDy.o(.text+0x326): In function `main':
> [...]
> Non riesco a capire dove ho commesso errori.
> Fiducioso di un vostro aiuto,  colgo l'occasione per porgere distinti 
> saluti.

Dear Enrico,

(I reply to you in English as there are people on this list who do not
know the Italian language: please let me know if you have difficulties
in following this message.)

It is not clear how did you install the library and which version
of the library you have installed.  My guess is that you installed
the binary RPM packages.  This could explain the problems you are
experiencing, the reason being that the RPM packages were compiled
with a version of the g++ compiler implementing a different ABI than
the one implemented by g++ version 3.3.3.

The solution is to compile the PPL from sources.  First, please make
sure you have installed GMP with the C++ interface enabled.
Do not hesitate to come back to us in case the above analysis
is wrong (i.e., you did not install a binary RPM package)
or if you need further help.
All the best,


Prof. Roberto Bagnara
Computer Science Group
Department of Mathematics, University of Parma, Italy
mailto:bagnara at cs.unipr.it

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