[PPL-devel] Re: PPL

Roberto Bagnara bagnara at cs.unipr.it
Mon Jul 14 17:25:04 CEST 2003

Samir Genaim wrote:
>    I'm trying to install your PPL library and use with SICStus Prolog running 
> on RedHat 9. However I didn't succeed to install either the rpm packages or 
> compile the sources. I enclosed below a description of the error messages I 
> got. I'll be thankful if you have a look and tell me if you have any idea 
> what is wrong in my configuration  ?
> [...]
>     Installing ppl-sicstus-0.5-1.i386.rpm works fine, but when installing the
>     sicstus interface I get the following:
>         [root at localhost ppl]# rpm -i ppl-sicstus-0.5-1.i386.rpm                                  
>         error: Failed dependencies:
>                    libgmpxx.so.3 is needed by ppl-sicstus-0.5-1
>                    libpwl.so.1 is needed by ppl-sicstus-0.5-1
>      what's the libpwl ?? I couldn't found this library on rpmfind.net

Dear Samir,

the PWL is the "Parma Watchdog Library" and the fact that you could not
find an RPM for it in the PPL web and ftp sites is our fault.  We will correct
this situation as soon as possible, but meanwhile you have to compile from
the sources.  Which brings us to the topic of the problem you are having
with GMP.

>    When running "./configure --enable-cxx" it complain about a missing
>    library:
>       GMP is the GNU Multi-Precision library:
>       see http://www.swox.com/gmp/ for more information.
>       Do not forget to enable the C++ interface: add --enable-cxx
>       to the configuration options.
>    BUT this library is installed on my machine:
>      [root at localhost ppl-0.5]# rpm -q gmp
>      gmp-4.1.2-2

While you have a version of GMP installed on your system, this version
has been built with the C++ interface disabled.  Unfortunately,
distributors such as Red Hat still tend to ship RPM packages for GMP with
this problem, regularly dismaying C++ programmers.  You will thus have
to build GMP by yourself, using a configure command like

   /wherever/gmp-4.1.2/configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-cxx

(notice the `--enable-cxx', as recommended, in the error message above).

To make sure this is the cause of the problem (as I am pretty sure),
try to do

$ rpm -ql gmp

You should see that the C++ interface is not there. You are missing the
libgmpxx.* files.  For instance, in my system I have


(do not worry about the *.la files).

Please do not hesitate to come back to us (ppl-devel at cs.unipr.it)
in case you have any problem.  If you plan to use the PPL, let me
suggest you subscribe to the PPL-announce mailing list: very low
traffic and only the very important information goes there.
See http://www.cs.unipr.it/ppl/MailingLists/ for the details.


Prof. Roberto Bagnara
Computer Science Group
Department of Mathematics, University of Parma, Italy
mailto:bagnara at cs.unipr.it

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