[PPL-devel] ppl/src ConSys.cc GenSys.cc PolyBase.cc

Enea Zaffanella zaffanella at spartacus.cs.unipr.it
Fri Mar 22 15:42:54 CET 2002

CVSROOT:	/cvs/ppl
Module name:	ppl
Branch: 	strict
Changes by:	zaffanella at cs.unipr.it	2002-03-22 15:42:54

Modified files:
	src            : ConSys.cc GenSys.cc PolyBase.cc 

Log message:
	Metods GenSys::affine_image(v, e, d) and ConSys::affine_preimage(v, e, d)
	no longer require the expression `e' to have the _same_ number of columns
	of the matrix; now they only require dimension compatibility.
	This change, while allowing a correct implementation for NNC topology
	matrices, also turns out to be a potentially remarkable performance
	The corresponding methods of PolyBase changed accordingly:
	- no longer performing the dangerous const_cast on the expression;
	- missing assertion OK(false) placed on exit.


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