[PPL-devel] ppl/src Matrix.defs.hh Matrix.inlines.hh Matrix.cc

Enea Zaffanella zaffanella at spartacus.cs.unipr.it
Wed Mar 20 12:24:27 CET 2002

CVSROOT:	/cvs/ppl
Module name:	ppl
Branch: 	strict
Changes by:	zaffanella at cs.unipr.it	2002-03-20 12:24:27

Modified files:
	src            : Matrix.defs.hh Matrix.inlines.hh Matrix.cc 

Log message:
	Corrected bugs:
	- set_necessarily_closed() and set_non_necessarily_closed() now also
	set the right topology for all the rows in the matrix;
	- grow(...) no longer asserts OK() on exit, because it may leave
	the matrix in a state where num_rows() == 0 and num_columns() > 0;
	- grow(...) was comparing the first row to be added with the last row
	in the matrix even when there were no rows in the matrix;
	- insert(...) no longer swaps a coefficient with itself when
	num_columns() and row.size() do match.


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