[PPL-devel] ppl/src PolyBase.cc

Enea Zaffanella zaffanella at spartacus.cs.unipr.it
Mon Mar 18 11:43:18 CET 2002

CVSROOT:	/cvs/ppl
Module name:	ppl
Branch: 	strict
Changes by:	zaffanella at cs.unipr.it	2002-03-18 11:43:18

Modified files:
	src            : PolyBase.cc 

Log message:
	Adding topology-compatibility checks where needed, throwing exceptions
	if necessary.
	Consistently using the methods [ConSys/GenSys]::adjust_topology_and_dimension
	when building a new polyhedron (or augmenting an existing one) starting
	from a ConSys or a GenSys.
	When building an NNC polyhedron using the constructor PolyBase(GenSys&),
	we now add a closure point for each point in the GenSys.
	Patched the specification of convex_difference_assign() to work correctly
	for NNC polyhedra.
	Patched the methods add_dimensions_and_* and remove*_dimensions()
	to work correctly for NNC polyhedra.
	Added a few "placeholder" exceptions to point out places where
	the current implementation is still not correct.


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