[PPL-devel] ppl/src Matrix.cc Polyhedron.cc Row.cc

Elisa Ricci ericci at spartacus.cs.unipr.it
Sun Dec 2 16:09:03 CET 2001

CVSROOT:	/cvs/ppl
Module name:	ppl
Changes by:	ericci at cs.unipr.it	2001-12-02 16:09:03

Modified files:
	src            : Matrix.cc Polyhedron.cc Row.cc 

Log message:
	In Polyhedron::intersection_assign_and_minimize added the assertion
	to verify if the resulting polyhedron is OK.
	In function Row::normalize() if we normalize an equality or a line, we decide
	that the first element of the corresponding row is positive.
	In function Matrix::back_substitute(), if we call linear_combine with an
	equality and an inequality, we must change the coefficients of the equality so
	that the coefficient of the inequality in the linear combination is


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