[PPL-announce] Parma Polyhedra Library 0.10

Roberto Bagnara bagnara at cs.unipr.it
Tue Nov 4 17:17:53 CET 2008

The core development team is very pleased to announce the availability
of PPL 0.10, a new release, under the terms of the GNU General Public
License version 3 (or later), of the Parma Polyhedra Library.

This release has many new features.  There are several new abstractions,
among which:

- An implementation of the domain of "octagonal shapes", an element of
   which may be seen as the solution of a finite system of constraints
   such as `x +/- y <= 3' (so that in 2D, it will have at most 8 sides).

- An implementation of a domain of "boxes", which represents
   (geometrically speaking) a not necessarily closed, iso-oriented
   hyperrectangle.  This can also be viewed as the smash product of `n'
   not necessarily closed and possibly unbounded intervals, where `n'
   is the space dimension of the box.

The class LP_Problem has been renamed MIP_Problem and now supports the
solution of Mixed Integer (Linear) Programming problems.  The PPL
semantic object Polyhedra_Powerset has been replaced by a templatic
domain Pointset_Powerset that can take any (simple) PPL semantic
object for the domain of its disjuncts.

The language interfaces of the libraries now include OCaml and Java.
Thus the PPL now has interfaces to C++, C, Java, OCaml, Ciao Prolog,
GNU Prolog, SICStus, SWI-Prolog, XSB and YAP.
Most of the domains provided by the C++ interface and almost all the
public methods for these domains are also supported by the other
language interfaces.

The release also includes improvements to the documentation, many new
configuration options, and some bug fixes.  The precise list of
user-visible changes is below.  For more information, please come and
visit the PPL web site at


On behalf of all the past and present developers listed at
http://www.cs.unipr.it/ppl/Credits/ and in the file CREDITS,

       Roberto Bagnara  <bagnara at cs.unipr.it>
       Patricia M. Hill <hill at comp.leeds.ac.uk>
       Enea Zaffanella  <zaffanella at cs.unipr.it>

NEWS for version 0.10  (released on November 4, 2008)

New and Changed Features

The license

o  The Parma Polyhedra Library is now released under the terms of the
    version 3 (or later) of the GNU General Public License.

New and renamed classes

o  The new class Octagonal_Shape provides an implementation of the domain
    of octagonal shapes (including optimized algorithms and a provably
    correct widening) as proposed by Roberto Bagnara, Patricia Hill,
    Elena Mazzi and Enea Zaffanella in their SAS 2005 paper.

o  A new abstraction called Box has been added.  Geometrically
    speaking, a Box represents a not necessarily closed, iso-oriented
    hyperrectangle.  This can also be seen as the smash product of `n'
    not necessarily closed and possibly unbounded intervals, where `n'
    is the space dimension of the box.  The Box template class is
    parametric with respect to a class of intervals.

o  A generic implementation of intervals has been added.  The template
    class Interval is parametric on the type used to represent the
    interval boundaries (all native integer and floating point types
    are supported as well as unbounded integers and rational numbers
    provided by GMP).  Another class template type parameter allows for
    the control of a number of other features of the class (such as the
    ability to represent: open as well as closed boundaries, empty
    intervals in addition to nonempty ones, intervals of extended
    number families that contain positive and negative infinities,
    plain intervals of real numbers and intervals of integer numbers).
    The Interval class still needs a lot of work and both its
    implementation and its interface are likely to change significantly:
    it is released now because it is needed for the Box class and as a
    kind of technology preview.

o  The class LP_Problem has been renamed MIP_Problem and now supports
    the solution of Mixed Integer (Linear) Programming problems.
    Support has been added for the incremental solution of MIP
    problems: it is now possible to add new space dimensions or new
    constraints to the feasible region, as well as change the objective
    function and the optimization mode, while still exploiting some of
    the computational work done before these changes.  Support has also
    been added to change control parameters for the pricing method.
    This allows a choice between the steepest edge pricing method,
    either implemented with floating point numbers (default) or with
    integer coefficients, and the textbook pricing method.

o  The PPL semantic object Polyhedra_Powerset has been replaced by the
    templatic object template <typename PS> Pointset_Powerset that can
    take any (simple) PPL semantic object for the domain of its
    disjuncts. In addition to the methods common to all the PPL
    semantic objects, methods specific to this domain include:

      void add_disjunct(const PS&),
      void pairwise_reduce(),
      void omega_reduce() const,
      bool geometrically_covers(const Pointset_Powerset&) const,
      bool geometrically_equals(const Pointset_Powerset&) const, and
      bool simplify_using_context_assign(const Pointset_Powerset&).

o  A new abstraction called Partially_Reduced_Product (PRP) has been
    added. A PRP is a pair of two PPL semantic objects that is
    parametric on the component domains and on a reduction operator.
    The PPL currently provides three reduction operators and hence,
    three different kinds of products:

    - a Direct_Product where the reduction operator is the identity;

    - a Smash_Product where the reduction operator shares emptiness
       information between the components; and

    - a Constraints_Product where the reduction operator refines each
      component with the constraints satisfied by the other component.

    The PRP class still needs a lot of work and both its implementation
    and its interface are likely to change significantly: it is released
    now as a kind of technology preview and any feedback is welcome.

New and renamed methods

o  All PPL semantic objects can now be constructed from other simple
    PPL semantic objects. All these constructors have an optional complexity
    argument with default value allowing algorithms with any complexity to be

o   New methods

       void restore_pre_PPL_rounding() and
       void set_rounding_for_PPL()

     allow the FPU rounding mode to be set to what it was before the
     initialization of the PPL, and to set it (again) so that the PPL
     abstractions based on floating point numbers work correctly, respectively.

o  All PPL semantic objects now provide methods

      void refine_with_constraint(const Constraint&),
      void refine_with_congruence(const Congruence&),
      void refine_with_constraints(const Constraint_System&), and
      void refine_with_congruences(const Congruence_System&).

    These methods are similar to the corresponding `add_' methods.
    The difference is in the reaction policy when the argument
    constraint/congruence is not optimally supported by the semantic
    domain: while the `add_' methods will throw an exception, the
    `refine_with_' methods will apply an upward approximation semantics.

o  Default widening operators of the form:

      void widening_assign(const ABSTRACTION&, unsigned*)

    are now provided for all abstractions except for the Pointset_Powerset

o  All PPL semantic objects now provide the method

      int32_t hash_code() const

    returning a 32-bit hash code for *this.  If x and y are such that
    x == y evaluates to true, so does x.hash_code() == y.hash_code().

o  All PPL semantic objects now provide the methods

      memory_size_type total_memory_in_bytes() const
      memory_size_type external_memory_in_bytes() const

    returning, respectively, the total size in bytes of the memory
    occupied by the PPL object and the size in bytes of the memory
    managed by the PPL object.

o  For all the PPL semantic objects there are new methods:

     static bool can_recycle_constraint_systems() and
     static bool can_recycle_congruence_systems()

    that indicate whether or not a PPL semantic object is able to recycle
    constraints and congruences, respectively.

o  For all PPL semantic objects there is a new method:

      bool contains_integer_point() const

    which checks if a PPL semantic object contains an integer point;
    Note that this is not currently provided for the Partially_Reduced_Product

o  For all PPL semantic objects there is a new method:

      bool constrains(Variable) const

    which checks if a dimension is constrained by a PPL semantic object;

o  For all PPL semantic objects there are new methods:

      void unconstrain(Variable)
      void unconstrain(const Variables_Set&)

    which assign, to a PPL semantic object, the cylindrification
    of the object with respect to one (resp., a set) of its dimensions,
    as defined by L. Henkin, J. D. Monk, and A. Tarski in Cylindric Algebras:
    Part I (published by North-Holland in 1971).

o  Several methods

      bool is_topologically_closed() const
      void topological_closure_assign()

    that were provided for just some of the PPL semantic objects are now
    uniformly available for all the objects.

o  Methods using the Congruence and Congruence_System classes
    such as

      Congruence_System congruences() const,
      Congruence_System minimized_congruences() const,
      void add_congruence(const Congruence&),
      void add_congruences(const Congruence_System&),
      void add_recycled_congruences(const Congruence_System&), and
      Poly_Con_Relation relation_with(const Congruence&).

    that were just provided for the Grid domain are now provided for
    all the PPL semantic objects.

o  For the Grid class, as it is not always possible to obtain a
    Pointset_Powerset<Grid> object that is a finite linear partition of
    the difference of two grids, we have added the method:
      std::pair<Grid, Pointset_Powerset<Grid> >
        approximate_partition(const Grid&, const Grid&, bool&)
    where the third argument is set to false if there is no
    finite linear partition.

o  In the Congruence class, for consistency with the Constraint class,
    the methods is_trivial_true() and is_trivial_false() have been renamed
    as is_tautological() and is_inconsistent(), respectively.

o  The methods

      bool Constraint_System::empty() const,
      bool Generator_System::empty() const,
      bool Congruence_System::empty() const, and
      bool Grid_Generator_System::empty() const

    return true if and only if the system in question is empty
    (i.e., it has no constraints, generators, congruences or grid-generators,

Deprecated and removed methods

o  As all PPL semantic objects can now be constructed from boxes,
    the constructors

      template <typename Box> C_Polyhedron(const Box&, From_Bounding_Box),
      template <typename Box> NNC_Polyhedron(const Box&, From_Bounding_Box),
      template <typename Box> Grid(const Box&, From_Bounding_Box)

    have been removed. Similarly, as boxes can be constructed from other
    PPL semantic objects, the method

      template <typename Box>
        void shrink_bounding_box(Box&, Complexity_Class) const

    has been removed from all the classes.

o  The use of methods having a name ending in `_and_minimize' (e.g.,
    add_constraints_and_minimize, poly_hull_assign_and_minimize, ...)
    is now deprecated (see the core library documentation for an
    explanation); their complete removal is planned for version 0.11.

o  Class BD_Shape and Grid no longer provide methods such as
    bds_hull_*, join_*, bds_difference_* and grid_difference_*. The
    uniformly named methods upper_bound_* and difference_assign should
    be used instead.  For (C and NNC) polyhedra, the poly_hull_* and
    poly_difference_assign methods have been kept for backward
    compatibility (users should anyway prefer adopting the uniformly
    named variants).

o  For Grids, the PPL no longer supports covering boxes; hence the constructor

      template <typename Box> Grid(const Box&, From_Covering_Box)

    and also the method

      template <typename Box> void get_covering_box(Box&) const

    have been removed.

Other changes for the C++ interface

o  All identifiers containing the strings `less_than_or_equal' or
    `greater_than_or_equal', any case, have been renamed so as to contain
    `less_or_equal' or `greater_or_equal', respectively.
    A similar change also applies to the C interface (see below).

o  The `ppl.hh' header file no longer defines macros not prefixed
    by "PPL_".

o  Users of the C++ interface of the library can now decide to disable
    the automatic initialization mechanism of the PPL.  To do so, the
    preprocessor symbol PPL_NO_AUTOMATIC_INITIALIZATION should be
    defined before including the <ppl.hh> header file.  When automatic
    initialization is disabled it is imperative to explicitly call the
    new function

      void Parma_Polyhedra_Library::initialize()

    before using the library.  The new function

      void Parma_Polyhedra_Library::finalize() and

    should also be called (to release a small amount of memory) when
    done with the library.

Changes to the other language interfaces

o  Support for language interfaces has been expanded to include
    OCaml and Java.  Thus the PPL now supports interfaces to
    C++, C, Java, OCaml, Ciao Prolog, GNU Prolog, SICStus Prolog,
    SWI Prolog, XSB Prolog and YAP Prolog.

o  Most of the PPL semantic objects provided by the C++ interface
    are also supported by all the non-C++ language interfaces. A few
    domains (in particular, many of the possible Box instantiations)
    are only available via the C++ interface.

o  Almost all the public methods for the PPL semantic objects are
    provided as methods/functions/predicates in the non-C++ language
    interfaces with a uniform naming policy. In particular:

    * in the C interface, the methods named


      have been renamed



    * in the Prolog interfaces, the predicates

        ppl_Grid_generalized_image_lhs_rhs/5 and
        ppl_Grid_generalized_image/6 and

      have been renamed as


      respectively, so as to allow for /4 and /5, resp., versions.

o  As already reported for the C++ interface, in the C interface,
    all identifiers containing the strings `less_than_or_equal' or
    `greater_than_or_equal', any case, have been renamed so as to contain
    `less_or_equal' or `greater_or_equal', respectively.

o  In the C interface it is no longer an error to call ppl_initialize()
    or ppl_finalize() multiple times (this matches the behavior of the
    other non-C++ language interfaces).

Documentation changes

o  The documentation for the library has been deeply reorganized and
    split into several documents: besides the user and developer manuals
    for the core library and its C++ interface, we now provide separate
    user and developer manuals for each one of the other available
    language interfaces (namely, C, Java, OCaml, and Prolog). It is
    also possible to produce "configuration dependent" variants of the
    non-C++ language interface manuals, where the contents of the
    manual take into account the value of configuration option
    All the manuals are provided in HTML, PDF and PostScript formats.

o  New man pages libppl(3) and libppl_c(3) have been added.  These
    give short overviews on how to use the PPL in C++ and C programs,
    respectively, on Unix-like operating systems.

Configuration changes

o  Several options have been added to the configuration script.  These
    allow to control the generated language interfaces, the floating
    point instruction set to be used, the use of Valgrind during `make
    check', the exclusion of some PPL-based programs from the build.
    The README.configure file has been updated consequently.


o  Fixed bugs that prevented building the library on systems not supported
    by the Parma Watchdog Library or when the `--disable-watchdog' configure
    was used.

o  Fixed a bug in Grid::constraints() and Grid::minimized_constraints()
    that caused an internal assertion to fail when the grid had 0 space

o  Fixed a bug in Linear_System::insert(const Linear_Row&) whereby a
    wrong result could have been obtained when inserting a not necessarily
    closed constraint/generator in an empty system having a higher space

Prof. Roberto Bagnara
Computer Science Group
Department of Mathematics, University of Parma, Italy
mailto:bagnara at cs.unipr.it

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