[cs at parma seminars] Seminario di Informatica

Federico Bergenti bergenti at ce.unipr.it
Fri Sep 5 11:30:12 CEST 2008

[apologies for multiple copies]

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare al seminario 

         Hierarchical Approaches to Text Categorization

                      Ing. Eloisa Vargiu
          Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engineering 
                 University of Cagliari (Italy)

che si terra' GIOVEDI' 18 SETTEMBRE 2008 alle ore 15 presso la 
Sala Riunioni del Dipartimento di Matematica (terzo piano).

Per maggiori informazioni:


Federico Bergenti

Due to the increased availability of documents in digital form 
and the consequential need to access them in a flexible way, 
automated content-based document management tasks have gained a 
main role in the information systems field. Research interest in
text categorization has been growing in information retrieval, 
computational linguistics, and other fields. This reflects the 
importance of text categorization as an application area of 
machine learning, also facilitated by the availability of 
several document collections to which domain experts have 
assigned categories from a predefined (flat) set. Moreover, in 
many information repositories, documents are organized in a 
hierarchy of categories to support a thematic search by browsing 
topics of interests. The consideration of the hierarchical 
relationship among categories opens several issues in the 
development of methods for automated document classification. 
In this talk hierarchical approaches to text categorization will 
be presented. First, an introduction to text categorization and 
hierarchical text categorization will be given. Then, a novel 
progressive filtering approach will be presented. 

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