[cs at parma seminars] Poliedri convessi per l'analisi e la verifica di sistemi hardware e software

Roberto Bagnara bagnara at cs.unipr.it
Tue Dec 9 10:40:40 CET 2003

[Con preghiera di diffusione e scuse per l'eventuale ricezione di
copie multiple.  RB]


                          CICLO DI SEMINARI


Come annunciato in precedenza, nei giorni 10 e 11 dicembre 2003 si terra`,
presso il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Universita` di Parma, il secondo
gruppo di seminari nell'ambito del ciclo sui poliedri convessi e le loro
applicazioni nel campo dell'analisi e della verifica di sistemi hardware
e software.  I seminari avranno luogo secondo il seguente calendario
(i primi tre seminari si sono tenuti il 18 e 19 novembre 2003).
Per ulteriori informazioni e aggiornamenti si rimanda alla pagina

4) December 10th, 2003, 14:30
    Fausto Spoto, Dipartimento di Informatica, University of Verona, Italy
    JULIA: A Static Analyser for the Java Bytecode

5) December 11th, 2003, 14:30
    Roberto Bagnara, Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Parma, Italy
    Convex Polyhedra for the Analysis and Verification of Hardware
    and Software Systems: the "Parma Polyhedra Library"

6) December 11th, 2003, 15:45
    Enea Zaffanella, Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Parma, Italy
    New Widening Operators for Convex Polyhedra

7) February 26th, 2004, 14:30
    Roberto Bagnara, Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Parma, Italy
    Representation and Manipulation of Not Necessarily Closed Convex Polyhedra

8) February 26th, 2004, 15:45
    Enea Zaffanella, Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Parma, Italy
    Widenings for Powerset Domains with Applications to
    Finite Sets of Polyhedra


Date:     Wednesday, December 10th, 2003

Time:     14:30

Speaker:  Fausto Spoto
           Dipartimento di Informatica, University of Verona, Italy

Title:    JULIA: A Static Analyser for the Java Bytecode

Abstract: We describe our JULIA static analyser for the Java bytecode.
           Its main feature is to analyse the Java bytecode directly,
           without any previous transformation into a high-level
           language such as Java.  This improves the efficiency of the
           analysis and yields an analysis which is insensitive to
           possible errors of the transformation into Java.  JULIA is
           based on a denotational semantics for the Java bytecode,
           focused on a set of program points called watchpoints. The
           cost of the analysis is proportional to the number of
           watchpoints.  An abstract domain for Java is a class
           implementing the abstract counterparts of the Java
           bytecodes.  We show some examples of abstract domains for
           class and escape analysis.  We show that the traditional
           technique of abstract compilation has major effects on the
           efficiency of the analysis.  Finally, we discuss the
           possibility of developing an abstract domain for
           approximating numerical variables, which is useful to remove
           array checks.  This domain should be based on the Parma
           Polyhedra Library.

Place:    Sala Riunioni
           Department of Mathematics
           University of Parma
           Via D'Azeglio, 85/A
           Parma, Italy


Date:     Thursday, December 11th, 2003

Time:     14:30

Speaker:  Roberto Bagnara
           Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Parma, Italy

Title:    Convex Polyhedra for the Analysis and Verification of Hardware
           and Software Systems: the "Parma Polyhedra Library"

Abstract: The domain of convex polyhedra is employed in several
           systems for the analysis and verification of hardware and
           software components.  Current applications span imperative,
           functional and logic languages, synchronous languages and
           synchronization protocols, real-time and hybrid systems.
           Since the seminal work of P. Cousot and N. Halbwachs, convex
           polyhedra have thus played an important role in the formal
           methods community and several critical tasks rely on their
           software implementations.  Despite this, existing libraries
           for the manipulation of convex polyhedra are still research
           prototypes and suffer from limitations that make their usage
           problematic, especially in critical applications.  In this
           talk we present the "Parma Polyhedra Library", a new, robust
           and complete implementation of convex polyhedra,
           concentrating on the distinctive features of the library,
           the novel theoretical underpinnings and the future
           development directions.

Place:    Sala Riunioni
           Department of Mathematics
           University of Parma
           Via D'Azeglio, 85/A
           Parma, Italy


Date:     Thursday, December 11th, 2003

Time:     15:45

Speaker:  Enea Zaffanella
           Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Parma, Italy

Title:    New Widening Operators for Convex Polyhedra.

Abstract: In the Abstract Interpretation framework, widening operators
           provide a simple and general mechanisms for enforcing and
           accelerating the convergence of fixpoint computations.
           For the domain of convex polyhedra, the original widening
           operator proposed by Cousot and Halbwachs amply deserves the
           name of standard widening since most analysis and
           verification tools that employ convex polyhedra also employ
           that operator.  Nonetheless, there is an unfulfilled demand
           for more precise widening operators. In this talk we
           introduce the standard widening and we present a framework
           for the systematic definition of new widening operators
           improving on it. The framework is then instantiated so as to
           obtain a new widening operator that combines several
           heuristics and uses the standard widening as a last resort
           so that it is never less precise.

Place:    Sala Riunioni
           Department of Mathematics
           University of Parma
           Via D'Azeglio, 85/A
           Parma, Italy


Date:     Thursday, February 26, 2004

Time:     14:30

Speaker:  Roberto Bagnara
           Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Parma, Italy

Title:    Representation and Manipulation of Not Necessarily Closed
           Convex Polyhedra

Abstract: Convex polyhedra, commonly employed for the analysis and
           verification of both hardware and software, may be defined
           either by a finite set of linear inequality constraints or
           by finite sets of generating points and rays of the
           polyhedron.  Although most implementations of the polyhedral
           operations assume that the polyhedra are topologically
           closed (i.e., all the constraints defining them are
           non-strict), several analyzers and verifiers need to compute
           on a domain of convex polyhedra that are not necessarily
           closed (NNC).  We propose a generalization of the well-known
           theorems by Minkowski and Weyl, where the concept of
           generator of an NNC polyhedron is extended to also account
           for the closure points of the polyhedron.  In particular, we
           show that any NNC polyhedron can be defined directly by
           means of an extended generator system, namely, a triple of
           finite sets containing rays, points and closure points of
           the polyhedron.  We propose two alternative implementations
           for NNC polyhedra, discussing the relative benefits and how
           the choice of representation can affect the efficiency of
           the polyhedral operations.  We also provide a novel solution
           to the issue of providing a non-redundant description of NNC

Place:    Sala Riunioni
           Department of Mathematics
           University of Parma
           Via D'Azeglio, 85/A
           Parma, Italy


Date:     Thursday, February 26, 2004

Time:     15:45

Speaker:  Enea Zaffanella
           Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Parma, Italy

Title:    Widenings for Powerset Domains with Applications to
           Finite Sets of Polyhedra

Abstract: The finite powerset construction upgrades an abstract domain
           by allowing for the representation of finite disjunctions of
           its elements.  In this talk we present three generic widening
           operators for the finite powerset abstract domain. All
           widenings are obtained by lifting any widening operator
           defined on the base-level abstract domain and are parametric
           with respect to the specification of a few additional
           operators.  We illustrate the proposed techniques by
           instantiating our widenings on powersets of convex
           polyhedra, a domain for which no non-trivial widening
           operator was previously known.

Place:    Sala Riunioni
           Department of Mathematics
           University of Parma
           Via D'Azeglio, 85/A
           Parma, Italy


Prof. Roberto Bagnara
Computer Science Group
Department of Mathematics, University of Parma, Italy
mailto:bagnara at cs.unipr.it

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