[cs at parma seminars] Seminario di informatica.

Enea Zaffanella zaffanella at cs.unipr.it
Tue Feb 26 18:41:49 CET 2002


La Prof. Elvira Albert dell'Università Politecnica di Valencia
terrà un seminario di informatica mercoledì 27 febbraio 2002
alle ore 15:00 presso il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di 

I dettagli sono reperibili qui sotto e disponibili all'URI
Per ulteriori informazioni: Roberto Bagnara (bagnara at cs.unipr.it).


Titolo:   Measuring the Effectiveness of Narrowing-Driven Specialization

Relatore: Prof. Elvira Albert,
           DSIC, Technical University of Valencia.

Data:     Mercoledì 27 febbraio 2002
Ora:      15:00
Luogo:    Aula 1, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Parma,
           Via D'Azeglio, 85/A, I-43100 Parma

     A common motivation of all partial evaluation techniques is to
improve the efficiency of a program while preserving its meaning.
Rather surprisingly, relatively little attention has been paid to
the development of formal methods for reasoning about the
effectiveness of this program transformation; usually, only
experimental tests on particular languages and compilers are
undertaken. Clearly, a machine-independent way of measuring the
effectiveness of partial evaluation would be useful to both users
and developers of partial evaluators.

In this talk, we present a framework for assessing the effectiveness
of partial evaluators in functional logic languages.  Our framework is
based on properties of the rewrite system that models a functional
logic program. Therefore, our assessment is independent of any
specific language implementation or computing environment. We define
several criteria for measuring the cost of a computation: number of
steps, number of function applications, and pattern matching effort.

The cost associated to each criterion is expressed by means of
recurrence equations over algebraic data types, which can be
automatically inferred from the partial evaluation process itself.
In some cases, the equations can be solved by transforming their
arguments from arbitrary data types to natural numbers. In other
cases, it is possible to estimate the improvement of a partial
evaluation by analyzing the associated cost recurrence equations.


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Enea Zaffanella
Computer Science Group
Department of Mathematics, University of Parma, Italy

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